Aine Belton,
Eoin Cumiskey,
Kate Kelly Murphy,
Billy Kenrick,
Erin Quinn,
Mark Murray,
Louise Scott,
Philip Sliney,
Maureen Trainor
Both photo_ESC 2013 Abroad and the show itself will be centred on work by Irish photographers outside the island of Ireland, bringing their work home for this evaluation of Irish photography.
The intention of Abroad is an attempt to answer questions raised by the wider themes of the PhotoIreland 2013 festival. Where does photography in Ireland find itself? Where are the Irish, what are they seeing, and what does our photography reflect back to us?
Abroad explores bleak wastelands, lush forests, the foreign shores of interior psychology, and clinically-empty hotel rooms. Such a wide variation of interpretation, time and place reveal the different ways in which the eyes of the Irish view the outside world – which, in many cases, echo the people and ambience of this island nation.
Curated by ESC Zine and Eoin O'Dowd