Reassemblage is a project (2012 - Present) consisting of hand cut, mostly paper collage.
All images possess original information in entirety, which has been reassembled.
No information has been added, removed or concealed.
All images possess original information in entirety, which has been reassembled.
No information has been added, removed or concealed.
(2012 - )
Emotional Illiteracy Emotional Illiteracy, Fellmannia, Lahti Fringe, FI
Hope, Fragmented Collective, Virtual
Compression, Vayo Gallery, Rochester NY, USA
Experimental Curatorial Project III, Talbot Gallery, Dublin, IRL
Experimental Curatorial Project I, Mart Gallery, Dublin, IRL
Various Publications
Cults of Life - Mythology - Issue XI, FIN
численничек - Chislenichek , RUS
Long Con Magazine - Issue VII, CAN
TELEPHONE - Visual Art book by Crosstown Press, USA
Sienna Solstice Arts and Science Joural - Issue III, FIN
BackSlash Lit - <body>, Issue IV, USA
Cults of Life - Royal Issue X, FIN
Corbeaux Magazine - Issue X, USA
Pandemic Post Zine - Issue VI, USA
Visio Literary Arts Zine - Duality, Issue X, CAN
Emotional Illiteracy Emotional Illiteracy, Fellmannia, Lahti Fringe, FI
Hope, Fragmented Collective, Virtual
Compression, Vayo Gallery, Rochester NY, USA
Experimental Curatorial Project III, Talbot Gallery, Dublin, IRL
Experimental Curatorial Project I, Mart Gallery, Dublin, IRL
Various Publications
Cults of Life - Mythology - Issue XI, FIN
численничек - Chislenichek , RUS
Long Con Magazine - Issue VII, CAN
TELEPHONE - Visual Art book by Crosstown Press, USA
Sienna Solstice Arts and Science Joural - Issue III, FIN
BackSlash Lit - <body>, Issue IV, USA
Cults of Life - Royal Issue X, FIN
Corbeaux Magazine - Issue X, USA
Pandemic Post Zine - Issue VI, USA
Visio Literary Arts Zine - Duality, Issue X, CAN